by Tomislav Tomic | Sep 23, 2023 | Goals & Goal Setting, Heart-Centered Business, Tomislav Tomic
Today is September 23, and I came to work wearing my Birkenstock sandals. This has a deep symbolic meaning for me, so I want to share this story with you. Who knows, maybe it will stick in your mind and help you at some point in your life. While I was working as a...
by Tomislav Tomic | Sep 20, 2023 | Coffee Break Thoughts, Heart-Centered Business, Tomislav Tomic
When I look back at the beginnings of my personal development journey, one of the biggest parodies is that I spent years desperately struggling to keep certain aspects of myself that, in reality, were holding me back the most from becoming the new version of me. I...
by Tomislav Tomic | Sep 8, 2023 | Heart-Centered Business, Tomislav Tomic
How did people react to my change from lawyer to mindfulness coach … and the important lesson I learned from their reactions: FIRST PHASE – The phase where I publicly announced that I was leaving the legal profession and starting with a coaching career. The...
by Tomislav Tomic | Oct 6, 2022 | Heart-Centered Business, Intuition, Tomislav Tomic
Discover the most common reason why your intuition sometimes gives you wrong advice and what you can do about it… Podcast transcript: Welcome to the Mystic Power Hub podcast. I’m Tomislav Tomić, your host, and this show is all about helping empaths to...