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Making Peace With Inner “Demons”

Making Peace With Inner “Demons”

Discover what I consider to be the greatest benefit of practicing Mindfulness and explore the inspiring "Legend of the Hermit and the Robber," which highlights the importance of awareness, patience, and accepting your own path. *** I have been running Mindfulness...

Your Golden Ticket to Freedom

Your Golden Ticket to Freedom

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your emotions? Do you find yourself reacting in the same old ways, unable to break free from negative patterns? What if I told you that you have an incredible superpower within you that can transform your life?  I'm talking about your...

Why Did I Decide To Write Only To My Soul Tribe

Why Did I Decide To Write Only To My Soul Tribe

There comes a day when you realize that your voice is meant for a special audience – your “soul tribe.” Read on as I tell you about the day I decided to write only to those who resonate with my message. *** Yesterday, I was reading some of my old articles published on...