“We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see, and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it.” – A Course in Miracles
(Transcript / Excerpt from TT Mindfulness™; Become a Certified Mindfulness Coach)
Welcome to training session #21. Today we’ll explore some of the fundamental principles from the book A Course in Miracles to help you better understand TT Synergy.
You see, part of my life’s mission is to help as many people as possible understand that all painful and unpleasant emotions are basically their friends. By this I’m not saying that you should always be eagerly waiting for them to fill your consciousness. Nor am I saying that I feel happy when I feel such emotions. But if you truly understand their true purpose, it’s much easier to be patient for as long as necessary and explore them with mindful attention. And that’s what really gives you the ticket to the state of inner freedom.
I’m convinced that mainstream science and literature will soon grasp this concept and stop thinking of painful or unpleasant emotions as something we should get rid of as soon as possible.
Let’s now return to A Course in Miracles.
The first concept or idea we’ll examine today is the idea of “projection”.
I’m quoting here from A Course in Miracles:
“We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see, and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it.”
What does this thought have to do with TT Synergy?
Because it’s about the exchange of energy between us and our external world. Although we prefer to believe that there’s an objective reality separate from us, all ancient mystical schools clearly state that objective reality simply doesn’t exist. Modern scientists are also beginning to realize this, especially in the field of quantum physics.
But we’re conditioned to see this in a very different way. We’re conditioned to believe that external situations are the main reason we feel certain emotions. Therefore, as soon as we feel painful or unpleasant emotions, we automatically analyze a certain situation to find the best way to change it.
But please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not advocating a passive lifestyle, nor do I want you to dogmatically accept this idea from A Course in Miracles. I just want you to think about it and explore the essence of this idea.
Consider it from this perspective for a moment.
I’ve already mentioned that our soul wants to grow and evolve in a certain way. I’ve also said that our soul wants to express itself through us. And the point is that this happens whether we – and I mean we at our personality level – want it to or not. Because the fact that we exist on this planet and in this dimension means that we’ve already chosen to grow and evolve. We can only choose how fast we want to do that and whether we want to spend more time in RESISTANCE mode or in ALLOWANCE mode.
So when a certain aspect of our soul energy is ready to unfold or, as I prefer to say, express itself through us, it’ll probably encounter some blockages in our energy system that don’t support such expression. These blockages usually consist of limiting beliefs or attitudes that we’ve unconsciously adopted from our environment. Some of these beliefs may have been useful at a certain stage of our life, but now they’re outdated. However, as soon as the energy of our soul encounters and collides with these blockages, we experience painful or unpleasant emotions. And in such situations, we automatically start looking for a problem in our environment that might be suitable to PROJECT our inner state.
So when a certain aspect of our soul energy is ready to unfold or, as I prefer to say, express itself through us, it’ll probably encounter some blockages in our energy system that don’t support such expression. These blockages usually consist of limiting beliefs or attitudes that we’ve unconsciously adopted from our environment. Some of these beliefs may have been useful at a certain stage of our life, but now they’re outdated. However, as soon as the energy of our soul encounters and collides with these blockages, we experience painful or unpleasant emotions. And in such situations, we automatically start looking for a problem in our environment that might be suitable to PROJECT our inner state.
Does this make sense to you?
Of course, I’m not saying that bad things cannot happen. I’m just encouraging you to explore the idea that many situations that you think are causing you pain or discomfort are simply a CANVAS YOU’VE UNCONSCIOUSLY CHOSEN TO PROJECT YOUR INNER STATE.
So let me repeat one of the central ideas of today’s training:
“We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see, and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it.”
This idea from A Course in Miracles is another reason why, when practicing TT Synergy, you should be in direct contact with the emotion you’re working with.
In fact, you’ll often find that once you’ve made peace with certain painful and unpleasant emotions, the same situation that was bothering you will stop bothering you. Instead of getting angry about it and thinking about why it happened and whose fault it was, you’ll simply focus on finding appropriate solutions. And sometimes the situation will even mystically disappear from your life.
So when you experience painful or unpleasant emotions, consider them as INVITATION FROM YOUR SOUL THAT IT’S TIME FOR AN INNER CHANGE – because it definitely is. In such situations, remember to do the energy work with your emotions first, as we do with TT Synergy. After you’ve done this energy work several times, you can take whatever practical steps you feel are right.
So when you experience painful or unpleasant emotions, consider them as INVITATION FROM YOUR SOUL THAT IT’S TIME FOR AN INNER CHANGE – because it definitely is.
But after doing the energy work first, your perception of the same situation will change at least a little bit and you’ll see many possibilities that you couldn’t perceive before the energy work.
Now let’s look at a similar idea from A Course in Miracles.
(Transcript / Excerpt from TT Mindfulness™; Become a Certified Mindfulness Coach)
© Tomislav Tomic – 2022. All rights reserved.