This may sound strange at first glance, but I find that many Mindfulness coaches value their work significantly more than they should. If the work itself were such an important factor in success, everyone who worked hard would succeed. Unfortunately, as you can see in practice, that’s not the case. Many people literally work their asses off, but the success they desire always falls by the wayside.
Let me explain what I mean by that…
You’re reading this article because it contains something interesting that might help you grow and improve your Mindfulness coaching business. In other words, you’re taking the time you’d have otherwise spent on other things to read this article because it represents some VALUE for you. You expect to find information in it that will help you identify mistakes you’re making in your business and how to fix them.
Realistically, though, you don’t care how long it took me to write the article, whether I wrote it during the day or at night, whether I found it hard or easy to edit, and whether I had to neglect various things in order to focus on the writing.
You only care about the VALUE you get or can get from the ideas in this article (VALUE = the benefit or end result that your clients get from using your products or services). You’ll keep reading it if it gives you a specific VALUE. If you don’t get a specific VALUE from reading it, you’ll just stop reading. And that’s it!
Realistically, though, you don’t care how long it took me to write the article, whether I wrote it during the day or at night, whether I found it hard or easy to edit, and whether I had to neglect various things in order to focus on the writing. You only care about the VALUE you get or can get from the ideas in this article (VALUE = the benefit or end result that your clients get from using your products or services). You’ll keep reading it if it gives you a specific VALUE. If you don’t get a specific VALUE from reading it, you’ll just stop reading. And that’s it!
So avoid falling for the idea that you’re more serious, better, and professional just because you work all day, do your best, and always go one step further because no one else cares. The world doesn’t owe you anything for working so hard.
You’re in the private sector, or soon will be, and you (no longer) have a boss or manager who has to like you and to whom you have to prove that you care about your work. You no longer have to pretend to work a lot just so your boss doesn’t think you should get extra work. Your CEO and boss are your CLIENTS.
However, your clients are interested in something completely different. Your clients (or potential clients ) are interested in the VALUE you offer, and based on that VALUE, they decide whether or not to buy from you.
If they feel they’re getting a good VALUE from you, they’ll likely want to continue doing business with you.
Otherwise, they’ll look elsewhere for VALUE (read: they’ll fire you).
So when you think about creating VALUE, forget about your ego and “me,”” “myself,” and “I,” and focus first and foremost on your clients and their desires, needs, and problems.
Instead of telling yourself, “I’m going to work,” tell yourself, “I’m going to create/add value for my clients.” Make it your new business mantra 🙂 that will shape your business approach and the way you create products or services.
“Instead of telling yourself, “I’m going to work,” tell yourself, “I’m going to create/add value for my clients.” Make it your new business mantra that will shape your business approach and the way you create products or services.”
As long as you run your private business and have the mindset of someone who works for a paycheck or is part of a “collective,” you’re inhibiting yourself and your potential and needlessly wasting valuable time that you could use much more wisely and productively.
When you enter entrepreneurial waters, you must adopt an entrepreneurial mindset as soon as possible and see the world through different eyes. There’s an old saying that there’s no craft without tools. As a small business owner, your mindset is one of your most important
Your manager and your boss are your clients. They’re totally selfish and only interested in the VALUE they could get from you. So give them what they want, and you’ll be satisfied too 🙂
“Your manager and your boss are your clients. They’re totally selfish and only interested in the VALUE they could get from you. So give them what they want, and you’ll be satisfied too :)”